VI Pomorska Konferencja Open Science - Polityki i Infrastruktury dla Otwartej Nauki - Konferencja - BRIDGE of Knowledge

Konferencja VI Pomorska Konferencja Open Science - Polityki i Infrastruktury dla Otwartej Nauki

Data wydarzenia

1-2 grudnia 2022
Budynek A Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki
Europe/Warsaw strefa czasowa

Treść strony -Invitation


The 6th Pomeranian Open Science Conference will be held on December 2, 2022. The Conference’s topic will be: “Policies and Infrastructures for Open Science”. This year's edition of the nationwide scientific conference aims to summarize previous activities in the field of creating policies and tools supporting the opening of research results, including research data, and to discuss the directions for the development of this type of services.

The conference will also be an opportunity to summarize the first year of activity of DSCC-IN PL, the Polish working group coordinated by the Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with GO-FAIR. The development of the European Open Science Cloud (coordinated in Poland by the National Science Center) will be an important aspect of the conference.

To introduce conference participants to this year's topic, EOSC the conference organizers plan the following events: EOSC workshops (December 1, 2022) conducted by representatives of the National Science Center, a meeting of the Polish EOSC-PL working group (represented by universities and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences belonging to the EOSC Association) and a meeting of the DSCC-PL Working Group, which is the first initiative of this type in Poland addressed to data stewards and all the parties who deal with research data management in their work. The conference is also preceded by a two-day seminar, co-organized by the Gdańsk University of Technology Library and the Elsevier academic publishing company. The seminar’s participants will discuss such issues as rankings, scientific excellence and Open Science.